Monday, November 6, 2017


Woohoo!! First week down here in Kukulcan. It was a long but insanely fast week.

So at the beginning of the week we had one investigator, and now at the end of the week we have 7, with some more people that might be potentials with appointments later this week. So that's cool.

Umm, let's start with the Familia Tec. They are a family that live five minutes from us. They have a sewing company that the dad runs. He's so fast. He was making these arm sleeves the other day and he was going so fast it was crazy. They have three teenage kids. Hermana y Hermano Tec aren't married, but their like 50. The dad has to get a divorce and then they'll get married. My first day I talked with Hermano Tec for like an hour, just a about what he believes. Then I assigned him a chapter to read in First Nephi. Well, he followed through and read. I honestly would say he's my favorite person here. I would pick him over my companion.  My companion is great (don't get me wrong), but Hermano Tec is seriously my best friend.  He's Chinese. 

So here in Yucatan y Kukulcan they eat a thing called pibe. You pronounce it 'peeb', and we ate it at the Tecs house. The first time we ate it I was starving, so I thought it was so good and everything, and I ate a bunch of it. Then we went to their house for breakfast the next day to eat more pibe, and oh my, that stuff is so gross. Its like baby and dog barf all mixed together. Its nasty. They only eat pibe--three days out of the year for day of the dead.  Its big for the three days. And down here they don't use very many utensils

So I go to shower the first morning, and I turn the shower on and holy smollies, it was so cold. I was like not trying to get wet, but I had to cause I smelled like sweat, and our shower is so bad when you turn it on the water only comes out of three of the holes on the shower head. Kinda fun. So we went to the (idk what the call it in English)--like a convenient store, but a hardware store, idk. And we bought something that heats water. We fill up our buckets and put this thing in it, and it warms up our water. So yes, I bathe out of a buck here. That's basically how it is for the next two years. Its actually not too bad.

A cockroach pooped all over my white shirts this week, so that's cool. 

I literally sweat all day, its horrible. But its better than the cold, miserable rainy days in Oregon. Its like 85 every day, with like idk 80 percent humidity. So I carry around a towel and I just wipe the sweat off. 

We have gone down some pretty sketch roads this week, and at one point my companion got a bad feeling, so we just started walking kinda fast back home. You know, you need to listen to the Spirit when its a bad feeling. 

Oh anyone that wants a hammock--let me know. Their like 3 dollars, and their super, super comfortable.

Yesterday was Fast and Testimony meeting for church.  I was a little hesitant to get up and bear my testimony, but I did anyway. It was kinda cool. You know I'm not the best at Spanish, but I tried my best.  I also played the piano in Sacrament Meeting.

Okay, this week I've been so tired. But its all good 'cause it just means I'm working hard. Every night I come home and I just fall into my hammock for like 20 minutes 'cause I'm so dead. In the Leadership Meeting yesterday I almost fell asleep--it was bad.

Oh we went to Centro today. Its so cool down there. Their streets are all old looking--kinda makes me feel like I'm Italy. There's a huge Catholic Church downtown that's super pretty, but you know what's prettier (sorry my Catholic friends)--the temple! :)  Its so small, but everybody stops and looks cause its so pretty. Its all gated off. 

Oh, here's something super cool. So I promised I'd shared a thought with the Tec family yesterday about temples and they asked if we could go to the temple with them and have a lesson at the temple with them next week!!!!! Woohhooo. I love them so much.  I'll send you a pic of me with them.

My stomach and all my bowel issues are doing alright. I jhaven't had any issues yet. The food down here is pretty awesome. I've been living off of Nutella sandwiches, and granola bars. Drinking a ton of water. And eating lots of apples.

There's some ruins in our city. Its a super, super small one, and I got a pic by it. We aren't allowed to go to the ruins in our mission, even though we have Chitzanitza (idk how to spell it).  But i guess its a really cool one, and its only forty minutes away.

K--well I got to go. 

Peace out--Love you all.  I really don't miss you at all. 

Some insanely sad news--Elder Sibley might be going home, which is just so horrible. He was literally my best friend. Found that out today when we went to the office. Please pray for him.

K--péace dawgs

Elder Hall

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