Friday, October 6, 2017


WOW--what a fast week. Seriously, it flew by like nothing even happened, but in reality things did happen, like a lot of things. So where do I start?  OK here we go: 

General Conference--it was so good!

Just a few favorite quotes and thoughts I had during General Conference.

Bennie l Oscarson- 'Changing the world starts with your family'.

'Stop!  Look around-- who needs me today?'

And my favorite quote of General Conference was by Richard J. Maynes. He said, 'Once you take a bribe and sell your integrity you will never get it back.'

That night we had a devotional put on by the Second Counselor President Eves. He talked about following the rules by exactness and being fully converted and worthy in the Gospel.  To be honest I went home feeling pretty terrible about myself and wasn't feeling too hot about being here. I missed my family. I missed not being sick. I felt everything that could be going wrong was going wrong. To add to it I felt I sucked at Spanish. On the way home Elder Sibley was like, 'You ok?'  And so I told him and he was like, 'I'm in the same boat RN to be honest'. And I was like. 'Would you mind giving me a blessing when we get back?'  And he said, 'Yeah'.   So when we got home he gave me a blessing. It was his first blessing ever and he did an amazing job. After the blessing I read my scriptures, looked at pics of the family, and went straight to bed (and of course brushed my teeth).. I woke up the next day feeling the same way. I went through the whole day feeling this way and our lesson with our new investigator was horrible. I got home that night and got down on my knees and asked Heavenly Father what I should do. Ii got the impression that I need to fast that next day. So I woke up the next day and opened my fast asking Heavenly Father to bless me with the Spirit and to feel the Spirit, and to be able to understand Spanish. I sadly only fasted til lunch cause my urine started turning yellow and I decided I couldn't go any longer. Ever since then I haven't had one doubt about anything. Isn't that amazing? Power of God 'ri der'.

What next? Oh our new investigators--we have two now. Roberto and Eric. Roberto is a student at the University in Mexico City and he is a very smart guy. Very bold with us. (So when I talk about my companion I don't want you to get the wrong impression-- like him but he does things that bug me a ton. I'm working on being patient with him and serving him more.) Anyways, in our lessons he talks most of the time, and the other day in the lesson with Eric he shared a random scripture in 2 Nephi, and we were planning on sharing something in Moroni. So he shares it and he doesn't know what it means cause its the wrong scripture, and he turns to me and I'm like 'Bruh, I have no idea what you just said'.  Other than that we work pretty good together.  Like I said, he talks most of the time and then when he stops and looks at me I say something completely different. Its really funny because I have no idea what I'm saying, then after the lessons Eric or Hermano Rodrigues will say, 'That was awesome what you said Elder Hall'.   I'll just be like 'Thanks'?

We got a new teacher this week. Her name is Hermana Correa. (OK--when I say thins don't take this wrong. She's a cute girl and our other teacher who teaches with her is a good looking man--so were trying to set them up.

Oh my--you guys know how I said the beds were bad?  Let me tell you--they are getting better and better each night. I don't wake up when I hear gun shots or dogs barking anymore.. Yayyy!!  

Just like dad says to come home tired every single day--I think I've honestly gone home tired every single day.

When dad said work hard--I have been getting up Monday, Wednesday, and friday at 5:30 to do language study by myself. I work my hardest in class. I can now teach the 'Gospel of Jesus Christ' pamphlet in one minute. Its super hard but I can do it and it makes sense to what I know. I can do the Restoration in forty five seconds and rn I'm working on the Chastity pamphlet.

When dad says I need to follow the rules with exactness. I think I can say that I am doing that. The lights are off by 10:30 each night. My companion likes to sleep in and I nicely yell at him. The other day I was up early to study and I come in at 6:40 to shower and he's still sleeping. Missionaries are supposed to be up by 6:30 if you didn't know. So I said, 'I'm giving you 10 minutes and if you aren't up and getting ready I'm not gonna be happy'. And I come back 10 minutes later from getting out of the shower and he's not up and I had some words for him. He tried to tell me he couldn't sleep. Whatever--we're getting better at getting up on time.

Oh the food isn't tearing me up anymore. I've gone back to 'solids' and I've been feeling pretty good. But I ate tyhis habanero sauce yesterday and my mouth was straight fire for a good hour. I thought it was like mild salsa. not excited for that to come out. I'll be crying!!

Oh by the way--I got my packages. Thanks a ton. The sisters in my district seriously get packages every day-- sometimes multiple a day. We're keeping score. Its like 36-4 (Hermanas winning obviously). But its fine--don't feel the need to send me any more--its definitely enough. I got the shirts also. They're all long sleeves, which is nice cause its not too hot here.

Oh my--they have these 6 ft plungers here in Mexico--they're crazyyyyy. I want to clog the toilet so I can just use it once.

Today we went to the Federal Mexico Office and got our residence cards. Some bad news (and I'm seriously so mad about it)--Elder Sibley has to go back to the States to finish his MTC training. Really sucks. Gonna miss him a ton cause he's really the only one I feel super close with in our district. He's the one I can go to and talk about anything with him.

OK--on a more spiritual note--this week has been an amazing week. Both of our investigators are awesome and are progressing super well. I'm still struggling with Spanish and its super frustrating at times when you really feel prompted to say something but you have no idea how to say it. Like I wanted to tell Roberto that I loved him and I knew God loved him, and I told him something completely different. My companion laughs at me when I say something wrong. Like I told Eric that if he reads the Book of Mormon he can be happy, but I guess I said 'funny' instead of 'happy', and my companion just starts laughing, and Roberto just was like 'thank you for saying that'. I'm trying my hardest and I feel I'm putting in my best effort with this language but I feel I've hit a wall and I'm plateauing off. I've noticed I've been comparing myself to other missionaries and how good they are all Spanish and I realized that I can't do that or else I won't progress. 

OK-I wanna leave you guys with a challenge. And I'm saying it to my friends mostly that are on this email list:

God loves you. He knows you personally and he cares about what your desires are in life. So here's my challenge: Read the libro de mormon. Legit not even kidding. It will bless your life tremendously. Even if it may be one verse a day. I don't care. Just read it. Try it out for yourself. You will never find out if the Mormons are telling the truth about this all if you don't read it (if that makes sense). You may be asking yourself, 'What makes them so different? Why do I see something different in them?'  Its the Gospel of Jesus Cristo. Its the light of Christ you see in their eyes. Its their testimony of the our Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father has a specific plan for each of us and its to return to live with Him again. And the only way to return to him is through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm just saying the truth. And I know it can bless each of your lives if you do follow Him. and you know who you are. 

OK--I love you guys a ton. Miss all of you. I'm still loving it here and I cant wait to get out of this awesome compound  (I honestly feel like its mini North Korea). But its still awesome here.

OK--well that's all I got for this week. Miss you guys. Love you  guys. I'm getting tan!

OK--for real bye

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